Report presents recommendations for facing the challenges of adequately assessing virtual schools.
Extraordinary Authority Districts: Design Considerations—Framework and Takeaways
Brief compiles common challenges and lessons learned from early-implementing “Extraordinary authority districts” state leaders.
Replicating Quality: Policy Recommendations to Support the Replication and Growth of High-Performing Charter Schools and Networks
Report makes recommendations for building a policy environment to increase the prevalence and impact of high-quality charter schools.
Giving Every Student Access to Excellent Teachers: A Vision for Focusing Federal Investments in Education
Brief explains why and how the federal government must focus states and districts on giving every student access to excellent teachers.
The Role of Charter Restarts in School Reform
The report examines how charter restarts fit within the larger context of charter school quality and accountability.
A Better Blend: A Vision for Boosting Student Outcomes with Digital Learning
Brief explains how blended learning that combines digital instruction with live, accountable teachers holds unique promise to improve student outcomes dramatically.
Improving Conditions & Careers: How Blended Learning Can Improve the Teaching Profession
Paper explains how blended learning can help create better teaching conditions and expanded career opportunities for teachers.
Interventions and Catalysts in Markets for Education Technology
Paper identifies and catalogs the core components of education technology markets that city-based funders might support.
Scaling a Successful Pilot to Expand Blended Learning Options Citywide
Paper examines four approaches to scaling a successful blended learning initiative.
Quakertown Community School District: An Approach to Blended Learning That Focuses on District Leadership, Staffing, and Cost-Effectiveness
Case study profiles Quakertown Community School District’s K-12 blended learning program.
Searching for Excellence: A Five-City, Cross-State Comparison of Charter School Quality
Report compares charter performance in Albany, Chicago, Cleveland, Denver, and Indianapolis.
The Tennessee Charter School Incubator: Annual Report 2012
Report looks at the first launched by the Tennessee Charter School Incubator—among the highest-performing charters in the state.