Below are some of the most recent news articles featuring Public Impact and our work. To read more, searchable by topic, visit our resource database. For more news about our Opportunity Culture® initiative, visit the Opportunity Culture® website.
Guilford School Board Wants Flexibility to Help 9 Low-Performing Schools
News & Record, April 11, 2018, by Jessie Pounds
Guilford County school board members are asking the state to give nine schools the kind of flexibility normally reserved for charter schools. They voted to send the state an application for “restart” status at Tuesday night’s Board of…
Providing Good Teachers for All Students Proves to be a Challenge for States
Education Dive, April 10, 2018, by Amelia Harper
Though the “highly qualified teacher” mandates have been scrapped under the new Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), states are now tasked with defining an “effective teacher” and making sure that these teachers are being equitably distributed to all demographic…
Central Arkansas Teacher Surprised with $25,000 Award
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, January 26, 2018, by Cynthia Howell
Dawn McLain said she didn’t have an inkling that she was going to be named Arkansas’ winner of the unrestricted $25,000 Milken Educator Award on Thursday until state Education Commissioner Johnny Key announced her name at a sixth-grade student…
New Teaching Model Yields Learning Improvement for Students in Math
Brookings, January 25, 2018, by Michael Hansen and Ben Backes
Since President Trump took office, it seems that most education news has moved away from a key pillar of the Obama-era education platform: teacher quality. Increasing teacher quality, particularly for disadvantaged students, was a principle that surfaced…
Rockets, Robots and ‘Rithmetic earn Dawn McLain a $25,000 Milken Educator Award
Milken Educator Awards, January 25, 2018
Arkansas teacher Dawn McLain engages her 6th grade science and math students any way she can, whether it be with robotics, design modeling or rocketry. And while big science may be helping lift her students’ test scores into the stratosphere, her classes…
Smart List: 50+ Advocacy Organizations Making a Difference
Getting Smart, January 17, 2018
It is important for us all to be making our voices heard in conversations about education policy and funding. Now more than ever, it is our responsibility to be spreading the word about what makes a high-quality learning experience that can prepare…
When Good Teachers Oversee Multiple Classrooms, Does Learning Improve?
EdWeek, January 12, 2018, by Madeline Will
When highly effective teachers are given a hybrid role to lead other teachers, the students on their team perform better in math and, to a lesser extent, reading, according to a new study.
IPS Teacher, Student Mentoring Program Aims to Retain Educators
RTV 6 ABC, April 17, 2017, by Katie Heinz and Victoria T. Davis
Amid the proposal to close three of the district’s seven high schools, IPS is offering a new program to teachers interested in mentoring other educators and students. IPS administrators said the goal of Opportunity…
IPS Rewarding Exceptional Teachers
WTHR NBC, April 11, 2017, by Rich Van Wyk
Here’s an idea to improve schools and teachers. Pay exceptional teachers more money. Give them the responsibility of helping other teachers and keep them from quitting to take better paying jobs. Indianapolis Public schools is trying to do just that and getting…
Interview: Painting the ESSA Canvas with Educator Recruitment and Retention
New America, April 11, 2017, by Melissa Tooley
A recent New America brief, Painting the ESSA Canvas: Four Ideas for States to Think Big on Educator Quality, includes interviews with individuals that offer thoughtful, high-potential approaches to the preparation, recruitment, evaluation, development, and retention of effective educators. The interview below is…