What is a scalable, sustainable tutoring culture, and how can schools build it? Opportunity Culture schools can create a tutoring culture when those in Multi-Classroom Leader (MCL) roles guide their teams to maximize the impact of small-group teaching and tutoring for all students, with all available adults.
Our new on-demand module for district and school leaders and those in MCL roles provides an overview of our “SIMPLE” tutoring culture framework. The first in a planned series, for which CEU credits will be available, this module:
- shares our research-informed definition of an MCL-led tutoring culture of small-group tutoring and teaching and how it can help all students;
- explores our SIMPLE method to build a tutoring culture; and
- shows viewers how to build a plan to put SIMPLE into place on their MCL teams.
Visit this webpage to complete the registration form and receive a link via email to view the Building a Scalable, Sustainable Tutoring Culture for All on-demand module.