Report examines the impact of the nonprofit, Bottom Line, on low-income, first-generation students in New York City.
Learning from Project L.I.F.T.: Legacy of a Public-Private School Turnaround Initiative
Report examines successes, challenges, and lessons from a private-public district turnaround initiative.
The Secret to Sustainable School Reform: Slow and Steady Wins the Race
Report examines the in-district turnaround model and its impact on student achievement.
Raising the Bar: Why Public Charter Schools Must Become Even More Innovative
Report recommends steps charter school operators, policymakers, city-based education organizations, and philanthropic funders may take to spur more innovation in the sector.
Technology and Rural Education
Report offers policymakers and philanthropic leaders recommendations to capitalize on the potential of technology to serve student in rural areas.
Leading Approaches to Philanthropic Investment in the Charter Sector: A Scan of Four Cities
Report examines how philanthropic organizations in four cities—Albany, N.Y.; Denver, Colo.; Harlem, N.Y.; and Houston, Tex.—have affected the charter sector.
Kick-Starting Reform: Three city-based organizations showing how to transform public education
Report profiles three high-impact city-based organizations that are taking significant strides toward reforming their cities’ education systems.
Developing City-Based Funding Strategies: Investments to Create a Robust Charter Sector
Report offers guidance for philanthropies on how to invest wisely as part of a city-based strategy.
Shifting Risk to Create Opportunity: A Role for Performance Guarantees in Education
Report explores a range of design issues that districts, providers, and investors could work through as they set up viable performance guarantees.
How National Organizations Can Support the New Schools Strategy
Report looks at national organizations that are moving to create – and support – new schools in the charter sector to further their own mission.
A New Bet for Better Schools
Report reflects on the effectiveness of a “new schools” strategy for philanthropy.
Choosing to Fund Choice: Philanthropy and School Choice in K-12 Education
Book chapter aims to shed light on the question: How extensive is choice-related philanthropy in the United States.