New Data, Big Results: Opportunity Culture Roles Outpace Others in Learning Growth
In a year of bleak NAEP outcomes nationwide, the latest data on schools using Opportunity Culture® teaching teams provides hope for scaling up student learning results nationwide.
Both experience with Multi-Classroom Leader® teams and the percentage of students reached by them affected schoolwide outcomes.
Title I schools that had several years of experience with these teams, which can include new educator roles, and reached students schoolwide showed the best growth results—boosting their odds of high-growth learning schoolwide…
A Sure Fix for NAEP Woes
The latest NAEP scores are no surprise, despite educators’ hard work to support students, but this is not just an educational crisis; it’s an economic one. Education outcomes determine students’ job prospects, which affect local and state economies—and tax revenues. Learning boosts add to public funding, while shortfalls drain public funding. Whatever you care about, K–12 learning results could pay for it, and support students and their communities.
What is the sure fix? Choose changes with…
Charlotte-Mecklenburg, Montgomery County, & Fort Worth School Districts Receive Federal Grant for Wide Use of Opportunity Culture Models
We’re excited about our latest news! Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, Fort Worth ISD, and Montgomery County Public Schools have been awarded a $7.7 million federal TSL grant for widespread implementation of Opportunity Culture innovative staffing models, which CMS pioneered with Public Impact’s support in 2013. With the grant, CMS will expand its use of these models to all of its schools over three years, while the Fort Worth and Montgomery County districts will launch and expand the…
Building a Tutoring Culture: On-Demand Module Live
What is a scalable, sustainable tutoring culture, and how can schools build it? Opportunity Culture schools can create a tutoring culture when those in Multi-Classroom Leader (MCL) roles guide their teams to maximize the impact of small-group teaching and tutoring for all students, with all available adults. Our new on-demand module for district and school leaders and those in MCL roles provides an overview of our “SIMPLE” tutoring culture framework. The first in a planned series, for which CEU credits will be available, this module:…
Kids Need Tutoring. Few Kids Get Tutoring. Opportunity Culture Models Can Help.
Despite a steady national drumbeat about the power of high-dosage tutoring to help students rebound from the dramatic post-Covid learning dip, the National Center for Education Statistics reported on Wednesday that such tutoring reaches only about one in 10 students. Although 37 percent of schools reported that they offer high-dosage tutoring—that is, at least a half-hour of one-on-one or small-group instruction three times a week with a trained educator—not even a third of students in…
How Innovative Staffing Can Address Teacher Shortages, Permanently—and Boost Learning
How can innovative staffing help reduce staffing shortages and boost learning? Public Impact’s latest brief explains how the Opportunity Culture initiative uses innovative staffing designs to create new career options for educators, increase collaboration and support, and incorporate high-impact tutoring for all students into the school day—within regular budgets. Following the five Opportunity Culture Principles, schools and system leaders gain new tools to address shortages with staffing models that do not require filling every teacher…
How Opportunity Culture Models Strengthen Educator Professional Learning
In Building Better PL: How to Strengthen Teacher Learning, researchers Heather Hill and John Papay highlight six key design features of effective professional learning, or PL. Those features fall under two general principles for effective PL—it supports teachers’ day-to-day practice, and it involves accountability for change and improvement. Opportunity Culture schools, which provide routine, job-embedded PL through multi-classroom leader teams, notably hit the mark for those two principles and each of the key features. Opportunity…
Maximize Opportunity Culture Models to Respond to NAEP Results
The NAEP results released this week may feel deeply discouraging—if not surprising—to weary educators. But Opportunity Culture research points to sustainable, scalable ways to improve student learning—and at Public Impact, we see ways to improve learning well beyond those initial research findings. This is the moment for Opportunity Culture schools and districts—and those considering using Opportunity Culture models—to rapidly reach as many students as possible and maximize the innovative staffing of Opportunity Culture teams to…
Scaling up the best parts of learning pod staffing
New from Public Impact and the Center on Reinventing Public Education:How could the best aspects of learning pod staffing be scaled up? “Pandemic pods” created new opportunities for adults interested in supporting children’s education. In these pods—established by families, school districts, and microschools—teachers had the chance to work with much smaller groups of students than usual, specialize in specific aspects of the broader teaching role, work a part-time schedule, and play a lead role in…
Arkansas, Texas, Virginia, and North Carolina School Systems Join National Opportunity Culture Initiative
Eleven school districts and a charter management organization in Texas, North Carolina, Virginia, and Arkansas are the latest to join the national Opportunity Culture initiative, led by Public Impact, which extends the reach of excellent teachers and their teams to more students, for more pay, within recurring budgets. Some sites also include yearlong, paid residencies for aspiring teachers, allowing them to learn on the job in a teaching team led by an excellent teacher. Fifty-five…
Annual Opportunity Culture Dashboard 2021-22 Update: Opportunity Culture Growth—By the Numbers
As districts seek innovations to bolster student academics and bring support and joy to students and teachers, the Opportunity Culture model continues to spread and produce results, even in another challenging pandemic year. Each year, Public Impact analyzes Opportunity Culture data to improve its materials and its work with schools and districts. With the overarching goal of reaching all students with high-growth learning, Public Impact has expanded the Opportunity Culture initiative’s participating schools (including those…
New on the Opportunity Culture Blog: Keeping Kentucky’s Teachers; Hear & Read Principals Reflect
Don’t miss the latest posts on the Opportunity Culture website! Keeping Kentucky’s Teachers: How Opportunity Culture Roles Could Help When the Northern Kentucky Tribune took a look at why schools struggle to retain teachers, Data Editor Jan Hillard noted several “best-practice solutions,” including Opportunity Culture models. Hillard highlighted Opportunity Culture roles, such as Multi-Classroom Leadership, as a way to improve career advancement and development. Redesigning a school using Opportunity Culture models can address all of the solutions Hillard noted—improving support…
January Opportunity Culture Newsletter: Connect with Your OC Community & Share Strategies!
The January Opportunity Culture newsletter includes opportunities for community, a reflection from educators on continued pandemic challenges, tools and videos for educators, Opportunity Culture news, and more. Featured stories include: “Everybody is Traumatized”: Opportunity Culture Fellows on Keeping On By Sharon Kebschull Barrett, January 25, 2022 With ongoing Covid-related stresses this year, many Opportunity Culture educators have wondered how much their challenges match those of other Opportunity Culture schools. Before the winter break, educators from multiple…
Upcoming Events with Public Impact Leadership
The Opportunity Culture Model: Public Impact Co-President Bryan Hassel will be a featured expert at the Next Education Workforce Summit, February 2–3, hosted by Arizona State University’s Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College. Read his Q&A where he discusses the Opportunity Culture initiative. Trends in the Teacher Workforce: Tune in to an online panel February 23 moderated by Public Impact Senior Vice President Alison Harris Welcher, focused on “headwinds and opportunities to ensure equitable access to effective teachers in North Carolina.” Panelists…
New Report: The Impact and Outcomes of Full-Day Kindergarten
In a state where only 42 percent of kindergartners scored at or above grade level on the state’s Reading Indicator in fall 2020, the need for more and better early education is clear. Research shows that attending full-day kindergarten boosts students’ academic outcomes, self-confidence, and ability to work and play with other children. Yet Idaho is one of 8 U.S. states that does not provide funds for all districts to offer some form of full-day…