Connect with ShaLeka
I do this work because I deeply believe that children deserve access to excellent teaching regardless of their ZIP code or demographics. I love that I get to be part of the collaborative effort to ensure this is happening for all students.”
ShaLeka Covington
Senior Consultant and Senior Opportunity Culture Certification Manager
ShaLeka Covington is a senior consultant and and senior Opportunity Culture certification manager with Public Impact, focused primarily on leading Opportunity Culture design and implementation support teams in schools. Before joining Public Impact, Covington was an instructional specialist at a public charter in North Carolina, where she designed curriculum and coached teachers to use the best instructional practices and pedagogy. She previously served on a summer Institute Management Team (IMT) with Teach For America, which provides leadership development and teacher training for new corps members and summer programming for students in partner school districts. Covington holds an M.A.T. in elementary education and curriculum from East Carolina University and a B.A. in business administration and history from Salem College.