By Sharon Kebschull Barrett As many schools close and turn to online learning due to COVID-19, multi-classroom leaders (MCLs) can help smooth and lead the way for their teaching teams and students. Students need their teachers’ steadying hand even more when the world feels chaotic and parents face extra stress. Public Impact published initial guidance […]
Lead Instructional Excellence with New Tools, Resources
By Paola Gilliam To help Opportunity Culture multi-classroom leaders, their teaching teams, and other teachers lead student success, Public Impact has added to its suite of instructional excellence support. Our tools and professional development are based on experiences and feedback of top Opportunity Culture educators, as well as hard research. We provide a free, full set of […]
The Killer App for Digital Learning at Scale: Human Connection
By Emily Ayscue Hassel and Bryan Hassel; first published in Education NC. Digital learning has gotten a bad rap, in some cases reasonably so, especially for the lack of results with disadvantaged learners. Meanwhile, alarms are sounding about the rise of online screen time co-timed with surges in anxiety, depression, suicide and insomnia among teens and young adults, here and […]
How to Reach Far More Young Children with Excellent Teaching
Read our vision brief: Excellent Teaching for Every Young Child: Opportunity Culture in Early Childhood Education What if far more children ages 0–5 who are in early childhood education and care settings had consistent access to excellent teaching? In these critical developmental years, young children—especially those who have fewer educational and developmental advantages outside of […]
Opportunity Culture News: New Opportunity Culture Site, Multi-Classroom Leaders Share Impact
Opportunity Culture schools and educators continue to attract attention…check out these posts from new sites, multi-classroom leader columns, and an exciting award for a multi-classroom leader. Lexington City Schools’ Superintendent on Working with Us to Implement Opportunity Culture (no longer available online): Dr. Anitra Wells, superintendent of Lexington City Schools, discusses the district’s plans to […]
Teacher Awarded $175,000 Grant
Rocky Mount Telegram, March 12, 2019, by Amelia Harper One Phillips Middle School teacher received the surprise of a lifetime Monday when she was told she had just won a $175,000 grant for herself, her school and for Edgecombe County Public Schools. Casandra Cherry is in her second year as the math multi-classroom leader at […]
Learning to Lead as a Multi-Classroom Leader
By Hadley Moore In 2015–16, I was a high school English teacher at an elite, private college-prep high school. In 2017-18, I became an assistant principal at an inner-city elementary school. How on earth did that happen? I loved being a high school English teacher. It was my dream job, molding and shaping young people’s […]
Opportunity Culture Dashboard Updates Data on Nationwide Initiative
EdNC, March 6, 2019 Public Impact, which created and leads the national Opportunity Culture initiative, updates the Opportunity Culture dashboard annually and today released the latest results from 2018–19, showing that student learning continues to benefit, and teachers want to keep and grow Opportunity Culture. The national Opportunity Culture initiative extends the reach of excellent teachers and […]
The Best Tool—Sometimes: Using Tech in Elementary School
By Amber Hines. This column first appeared on EducationNC. As soon as students enter my classroom for a small-group session, I know what question is coming: “Are we going to record?” Elementary school students love using technology. But teachers must use students’ valuable learning time wisely: Technology should be meaningful, data-driven, and help meet our […]
Rethinking the Teaching Profession
American Enterprise Institute, February 8, 2019, by Frederick M. Hess and Amy Cummings
Frustration with teacher pay is widespread. This is true even considering that school spending (per pupil, adjusted for inflation) has grown by more than 30 percent since 1992.
Coker-Wimberly: Setting Kindergarteners Up for Success Starts Day One
EdNC, February 6, 2019, by Liz Bell
When children come to the first day of kindergarten, they come with a variety of needs, personalities, abilities, and backgrounds. The most important thing in those first few weeks is building a routine, said Annette Kent, a kindergarten teacher at Coker-Wimberly Elementary School in Edgecombe County.
VCS Teacher Joins Pilot Program Aimed at Benefiting Rural Districts
The Daily Dispatch, January 28, 2019, by Miles Bates
Stanford Wickham, a Vance County High School math teacher who also teaches Advanced Placement calculus to seniors, is part of a team of teachers that Maria Hernandez of the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics is leading in a pilot program aimed at furthering access to excellent teaching across the state.