By Emily Ayscue Hassel and Bryan Hassel; first published in Education NC. Digital learning has gotten a bad rap, in some cases reasonably so, especially for the lack of results with disadvantaged learners. Meanwhile, alarms are sounding about the rise of online screen time co-timed with surges in anxiety, depression, suicide and insomnia among teens and young adults, here and […]
Are You Really Personalizing Learning?
Christensen Institute, March 7, 2019, by Thomas Arnett and Julia Freeland Fisher In a recent post, we shed light on the difference between blended learning—an instructional modality that describes integrating technology to deliver some content—and personalized learning—a philosophy that believes in a combination of modalities and goals for better and (and in some cases, new) […]
The Risks and Rewards of Using Blended Learning to Reach More Students
By Elizabeth Annette Bartlett. This column first appeared on EducationNC. If, as a teacher who sees success with one class of students, I could reach twice as many students per class, why shouldn’t I try? That’s the question I asked myself in trying to solve a dilemma my middle school science students faced. In the […]
Teachers Shouldn’t Have to Work Alone – and Now They Don’t Have to
Forbes, May 29, 2018, by Michael Horn
With the rise of online learning in schools—what educators call “blended learning”—what teachers do daily is changing in big and small ways. A central question is what will teaching look like in the future, as online learning can increasingly help students learn knowledge personalized to their specific learning need.
Analysis: Through Co-Teaching, Team Teaching, and Collaboration, These Pioneering Schools Are Rethinking How to Best Deliver Personalized Learning for Students
The 74, May 28, 2018, by Thomas Arnett and Bryan Hassel
K-12 education is abuzz with interest in personalizing instruction and a drive to change the student experience. Yet amid this innovative fervor, the traditional classroom staffing arrangement is still an unquestioned assumption in many schools, with each teacher working largely alone, taking sole responsibility for a roster of students.
How Team Teaching (and Other Innovations) Can Impact Blended Learning
eSchool News, May 25, 2018, by Thomas Arnett
Personalized learning’s rationale has strong intuitive appeal: We can all remember feeling bored, confused, frustrated, or lost in school when our classes didn’t spark our interests or address our learning needs. But an intuitive rationale doesn’t clearly translate to effective practice.
The One-Teacher, One-Classroom Model Needs an Upgrade. Here’s What’s Next.
EdSurge, May 24, 2018, by Stephen Noonoo
Emerging school models are supposed to ease the transition to personalized and blended instruction—or at least make it possible. But new ways of teaching can hit a snag when they run up against the familiar one-teacher-one-classroom setup. According to the authors of a new report, it’s not schools that need a “rethink” as much as school staffing.
Meeting the Personalization Challenge with New Roles + Blended Learning
Amid all the buzz about personalizing learning, what can we learn from schools getting great results? In Public Impact’s new report with the Clayton Christensen Institute, Innovative Staffing to Personalize Learning, we analyzed eight schools and school networks that are not only personalizing learning, but also getting strong learning results with disadvantaged students. What’s different […]
Personalizing Learning with Innovative Staffing + Blended Learning: 4 New School Profiles
As part of a deep look at how schools rethink how they are organized to address each student’s needs, Public Impact and the Clayton Christensen Institute today released the second set of profiles of schools and teachers using innovative staffing with blended learning. These profiles, many with accompanying videos, set the stage for an upcoming white paper […]
Innovative Staffing to Personalize Learning: How New Teaching Roles and Blended Learning Can Help Students Succeed
Report analyzes eight schools and school networks that are personalizing learning and getting learning results with disadvantaged students.
Opportunity Culture Voices: For Truly Personalized Learning, I Had to Try, Try Again
After 26 years of teaching, I was the model of a traditional teacher. Class began with review, then new material and cooperative or independent work, then closure. But two years ago, intrigued by my district’s request that I pioneer an Opportunity Culture biology blended-learning class, extending my reach to more students (and for more […]
New Models Combine Teacher Leadership, Digital Learning
Teachers using blended learning need guidance to help students achieve high-growth learning consistently. Teacher-leaders and their teams need time to collaborate and learn together on the job. Students need access to personalized instruction that catalyzes consistently high growth and expands their thinking. How can schools achieve all of these goals? Combine blended learning with teacher […]