Connect with Tanisha
I’m passionate about building the conditions necessary for both students and teachers to do their greatest work. Students deserve excellent teachers, and teachers deserve brilliant mentors and leadership opportunities. I work here because I know that Opportunity Culture roles can make this vision achievable.”
Tanisha Dasmunshi
Tanisha Dasmunshi is a consultant with Public Impact®, focused primarily on supporting schools and districts with Opportunity Culture® design and implementation to extend the reach of excellent teachers and their teams. She previously served as a middle school English language arts teacher in Baltimore City Public Schools. Dasmunshi completed a teaching residency and training through the Urban Teachers program, after which she mentored a teacher resident in her own classroom. She also served with the Baltimore Secondary Literacy Improvement Community, where she used continuous improvement methods to test ideas in her school to support dysfluent readers, which was highlighted in the district’s progress report. Dasmunshi graduated from Johns Hopkins University with a master’s degree in education and from Indiana University Bloomington with a bachelor’s degree in English.
Example Projects: Tanisha leads Opportunity Culture® implementation in Cumberland County Schools in North Carolina, and supports several districts with design and implementation in North Carolina, New Mexico, Maine, and Maryland.