Kendall Hedding King
Senior Vice President and Group Director for Opportunity Culture® Implementation
Kendall Hedding King is the senior vice president and group director for Opportunity Culture® implementation services at Public Impact®. In her Opportunity Culture® work, King leads four teams of consultants that work with school systems to create a career pathway for teachers, implement a rigorous and research-based selection process, design new school models for teacher leadership, and monitor progress throughout implementation. In addition, King has deep experience creating and facilitating professional development sessions for school leaders, teacher-leaders, and paraprofessionals across the country, both in person and virtually. Within Public Impact®, she is accountable for the overall team member experience and development, with a focus on improving consulting practices, technical understanding, and leadership development. Before joining Public Impact®, King worked for the Chicago region of Teach For America, coaching middle school math and science teachers across the city and planning professional development sessions for new teachers. She previously was a high school math teacher and coached ninth-grade teachers as a grade-level lead. She holds a B.A. in mathematics and political science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and a master’s degree in teaching from National Louis University.
Example Projects: King’s recent work includes leading Opportunity Culture® design in the first implementing districts in Virginia, New Mexico, and Maine. Her teams also support several implementing North Carolina districts and Baltimore City Public Schools. She has done similar work with Houston Independent School District, Chicago Public Schools, Indianapolis Public Schools, Syracuse (N.Y.) City School District, and the Arkansas Department of Education. In addition, King has planned and facilitated competency-based professional development for turnaround school leaders in Syracuse, N.Y., Tennessee, and Philadelphia.