Turnaround principal actions and competencies are the leading indicators for turnaround principal success.
Technology and Rural Education
Report offers policymakers and philanthropic leaders recommendations to capitalize on the potential of technology to serve student in rural areas.
An Opportunity Culture for Teaching and Learning: Introduction
Brief provides an overview of how an Opportunity Culture can help teachers have the well-paid, empowered profession they deserve—while helping many more students succeed.
Reaching All Students with Excellent STEM Teachers
Brief explains how an Opportunity Culture can help address the shortage of skilled STEM teachers.
Legal Guidelines for Educating English Learners in Charter Schools
Report examines federal and state education laws to help charter schools understand their legal obligations to EL students.
Authorizer Hopping: Motivations, Causes, and Ways to Stop It
Brief explores how and why authorizer hopping happens and offers recommendations to stop it.
Seizing Opportunity at the Top II: State Policies to Reach Every Student With Excellent Teachers
Brief explains how states and districts can help excellent teachers extend their reach to far more students.
Breakthroughs in Time, Talent, and Technology: Next Generation Learning Models in Public Charter Schools
Brief studies four ‘next generation’ learning models breaking with tradition to deliver a more personalized experience to students.
North Carolina Charter Schools: Excellence and Equity through Collaboration
Report details recommendations from North Carolina education leaders to improve charter authorizing practices and increase accountability.
Holding Schools Accountable Toolkit: A Guide for People Working in Neighborhoods
Toolkit offers assistance to community leaders who want to involve neighborhoods and families in efforts to create better schools and increase academic outcomes for children.
Indiana Charter School Board: 2012-2013 Annual Report
Annual report includes a history of the Indiana Charter School Board and an overview of the Indiana charter landscape.
Opening Blended-Learning Charter Schools: Indiana School Aims for Success Through Innovation
This case study on an Indianapolis charter school examines the school’s approach to blended learning in its first year.