Idea paper lays out a vision for how districts can reach dramatically more students with great principals, for much higher pay, within budget.
Growing a High-Quality Charter Sector: Lessons from Tennessee
Report describes how favorable policy conditions, political leadership, and public-private grants accelerated the growth of high-quality charter schools in Memphis and Nashville.
Authorizer Shopping: Lessons from Experience and Ideas for the Future
Report considers five examples of authorizer shopping and provides specific guidance to authorizers, policymakers, and advocates to address it.
Recruit, Select, and Support: Turnaround Leader Competencies
Learning module provides state and district leaders with tools to identify and apply turnaround leader competencies to the selection and development of school turnaround leaders.
The Project L.I.F.T. Story: Early Lessons from a Public-Private Education Turnaround Education
Report examines the genesis of the Project L.I.F.T. initiative, a private-public partnership to improve graduation rates in the community.
Boosting Idaho Rural Students’ College Prospects by Expanding Access to Great Teaching
Report examines the challenges that prevent rural schools from providing great teaching, and presents four strategies for increasing access to highly effective instruction in rural Idaho.
Is Détente Possible? District-Charter School Relations in Four Cities
Report examines how districts work with the charters in their midst—in Boston, Cleveland, Denver, Houston, and Washington, D.C.
Raising the Bar: Why Public Charter Schools Must Become Even More Innovative
Report recommends steps charter school operators, policymakers, city-based education organizations, and philanthropic funders may take to spur more innovation in the sector.
The Achievement School District: Lessons from Tennessee
Case study examines strategies used by the Achievement School District in Memphis.
Early Lessons from Newark’s Experience with Charter Schools
Case study examines the forces that helped grow the charter sector in Newark, and the opportunities and issues for charters and the district when the charter sector grows large.
Teacher-Led Professional Learning: To Reach Every Student with Excellent Teaching
Materials provide a simple framework of the elements of effective on-the-job professional learning from teacher-leaders.
Expanding District Capacity to Turn Around Failing Schools: An Evaluation of the Cameron Middle School Charter Conversion
Report details the conversion of a school’s operation from the district to a charter management organization in Nashville.