“Come join the exciting new initiative at Meachem Elementary. We are pursuing proven strategies to increase student achievement by increasing adult leadership and the capacity to more effectively reach all students; this will assist in raising our test scores, and provide teachers with more support by their peers, smaller reading-group sizes, classroom management support, and […]
Doubled Odds of Higher Growth: N.C. Opportunity Culture Schools Beat State Rate
Fifty-nine percent of Opportunity Culture schools in North Carolina exceeded student growth expectations in 2015–16, more than double the percentage of N.C. schools overall at just 28 percent, according to school performance data the state released September 2.
How, Why Districts and Charters Engage: New in Education Next
As the charter school sector has grown too large to ignore in some cities, districts and charters have sometimes begun collaborating or coordinating some efforts. Public Impact’s Daniela Doyle, Christen Holly, and Bryan Hassel focus on how and why this happened by looking at Cleveland in a new piece for Education Next, based on their […]
ESSA Opportunities for Excellence: New Real Clear Ed Column
In a new column for Real Clear Education, Public Impact’s co-directors, Emily Ayscue Hassel and Bryan Hassel, highlight the opportunities through ESSA for state leaders to achieve excellence: State and district leaders have a great new opportunity under the 2015 federal Every Student Succeeds Act: more flexibility in spending the funds they receive than in […]
Fresh Ideas for ESSA Excellence: Four Opportunities for State Leaders
State and district leaders, here’s your chance: Under ESSA (the 2016 Every Student Succeeds Act), you can use your new funding flexibility to take a new approach that focuses on excellence for teachers and students. In a new brief and one-page executive summary, we explain four opportunities to achieve a culture of excellence under ESSA, […]
High-need, San Antonio-area District Joins Opportunity Culture
The Harlandale Independent School District, in south-central San Antonio, Texas, has joined the national Opportunity Culture initiative to extend the reach of excellent teachers and their teams to more students, for more pay, within recurring budgets. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) made Texas the first state to support multiple districts in creating an Opportunity Culture; […]
How to Radically Improve Teacher & Principal Preparation
How can new teachers and principals start their jobs prepared for educational excellence, and how can the schools that hire them know they’re ready to excel? In today’s preparation systems, no one is fully getting what they need—not aspiring teachers and principals, not schools, not students. There is a better way. In Opportunity Culture schools, […]
How to Lead a Schoolwide “Team of Leaders”: Tools for Principals
In the most successful Opportunity Culture schools, principals lead a team of multi-classroom leaders—strong teachers who lead small teams and are accountable for outcomes in each grade and/or subject—to ensure instructional excellence schoolwide. Successful principals say this schoolwide “team of leaders” approach is crucial to their students’ success and to providing teachers with deep support […]
New Vignettes: How 4 Pioneering Teacher-Leaders Led Their Teams
What does teacher-leadership look like when teachers lead a team while continuing to teach? For four pioneering multi-classroom leaders in high-need elementary, middle, and high schools, it starts with taking accountability for up to 500 students and leading a collaborative teaching team toward higher growth and personalized learning for all those students. These teacher-leaders took […]
Speaking Up: A Year’s Worth of Opportunity Culture Voices
“How many teachers are out there struggling daily because of lack of support? How many burn out because they’ve tried all they know? How many leave our profession early because they can’t do it on their own any longer? How many kids suffer because they have access to only one teacher? How many students are […]
Higher Pay for Charlotte Teachers: What Opportunity Culture Provides
A great article in Saturday’s Charlotte Observer highlighted what some Opportunity Culture multi-classroom leaders (MCLs) make. As noted, 26 MCLs in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools receive supplements of $16,000 to $23,000–within school budgets, not from temporary grants, done by reallocating budgets. But did you know that many others working in Opportunity Culture roles in CMS make more, […]
Done Well, School Restarts Make a Difference for Students
This column was first published on May 17, 2016, on msdf.org, home of the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation. This is part of a blog series about one way we can help our nation’s lowest performing schools. In this series, we will introduce the concept of restart and will highlight: Who’s doing it, how it […]