Erin Williams
Senior Consultant
Erin Williams is a senior consultant at Public Impact®, focusing primarily on assisting schools and districts with Opportunity Culture® design and implementation to extend the reach of excellent teachers and their teams. Before joining the team, Williams has served as a teacher, facilitator, Multi-Classroom Leader™ educator, and program specialist. In the Multi-Classroom Leader™ role, she led teams of teachers to improve instructional practices through the creation of standards-based lesson design, the use of data-driven protocols, and the implementation of coaching/feedback cycles, which resulted in her teams’ students exceeding expected learning growth and proficiency in reading. As a program specialist, she provided job-embedded coaching and support to teacher-leaders in Opportunity Culture® schools, and created role-specific instructional and coaching pathways to support new and advanced teacher-leader positions. In this role, she also became a certified VitalSmarts trainer in the areas of crucial conversations, crucial accountability, and influencer, which she used to support the implementation of Opportunity Culture® roles in schools. Williams holds an M.A in educational leadership from Winthrop University in South Carolina, and a B.A in elementary and middle school education from Elmhurst University in Illinois.