In Friday’s, Mandy Ableidinger asks, “The most recent NC end of third grade reading assessment results show scores hardly shifting from last year and continued racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic gaps. What can we do differently?” Referring to our recent report, Closing Achievement Gaps in Diverse Schools: An Action Guide for District Leaders, Ableidinger, the […]
Brookings-AIR Study Finds Large Academic Gains in Opportunity Culture
Students in classrooms of team teachers led by “multi-classroom leaders” showed sizeable academic gains, according to a new study from the American Institutes for Research and the Brookings Institution. The team teachers were, on average, at the 50th percentile in the student learning gains they produced before joining a team led by a multi-classroom leader. […]
Opportunity Culture Voices: When Students Own Their Academic Results, They Transform Their Schools
When you’re not sure where to start, ask your students! Well, not always, but when I came to Charlotte, North Carolina’s James Martin Middle School as a multi-classroom leader in 2014, I felt overwhelmed. I started as the MCL for sixth grade, where for the previous three years the students had been experiencing negative learning […]
Doubled Odds of Higher Growth: N.C. Opportunity Culture Schools Beat State Rate
Fifty-nine percent of Opportunity Culture schools in North Carolina exceeded student growth expectations in 2015–16, more than double the percentage of N.C. schools overall at just 28 percent, according to school performance data the state released September 2.
Quality School Ratings Trends in Evaluating School Academic Quality
Review of 25 school quality rating systems reveals clear trends that may help rating system designers and users think about optimal system designs.
Report: Trends, Possible Improvements in School Quality Rating Systems
The rating systems inventoried included some from state departments of education, large public school districts, charter associations and authorizers, and private news and advocacy organizations. Among the trends they found among the systems were:
- the inclusion of student growth, useful for evaluating a school’s quality based on its students’ progress–a new standard, the authors say, for quality rating systems.
- the expansion of college- and career-readiness measures–going beyond graduation rates to include important, new indicators.
- an exploration of new ways to focus attention on the lowest-performing students–as the authors say, “great schools are great for all students in the building.”
- an interest in valid measures of student engagement–although systems focus on academic outcomes, some try to capture school culture as well.
- simplified reporting formats to categorize school quality.
- an increase in data transparency and public accessibility–so that a rating system can be judged not just by its accuracy, but by how available its data is to users.
Racing to the Top with Low Performing Schools
Brief on low-performing schools provides guidance for states on meeting Race to the Top criteria.
Ohio Value-Added Primer: A User's Guide
Guide is designed to help understand the basics of value-added, and what it means for schools and children in Ohio.
Revamping Education Data: Cutting-Edge Strategies from Other Sectors
Paper explores two cutting-edge trends that have revolutionized organizations in other sectors” data mining and crowd sourcing.
A Road to Results: Helping the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Education Program Implement Results-Based Accountability
This series is part of the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s multi-year effort to develop a “results-based accountability” (RBA) approach to its K-12 education portfolio.