Report highlights the experience of two nonselective virtual charter schools making online schooling work for their student.
Strong Teachers, Good Design Important for Virtual Charters to Succeed
Education Dive, July 11, 2019, by Shawna De La Rosa Students in online charter schools have generally performed less well than their peers in brick-and-mortar classrooms, but this doesn’t have to be the case. With specific strategies, online schools can be a viable alternative to traditional public education, according to a new report from Public […]
Meeting the Potential of a Virtual Education: Lessons from Operators Making Online Schooling Work
In general, virtual charter schools have had poor outcomes. A 2015 study from CREDO (the Center for Research on Education Outcomes) found that, on average, students enrolled in online charter schools lost 180 days of learning in math and 72 days of learning in reading compared to similar students in brick-and-mortar schools. But virtual schools […]
College Board, NC School of Science & Math, Public Impact Join Forces for Rural Schools
Public Impact is excited to announce that our Opportunity Culture initiative is partnering with the College Board and the N.C. School of Science and Mathematics (NCSSM) to reach rural school districts with excellent NCSSM teachers. In the first phase of this pilot, an excellent NCSSM teacher will become an Opportunity Culture multi-classroom leader for a […]
Virtual Schools: Assessing Progress and Accountability
Report presents recommendations for facing the challenges of adequately assessing virtual schools.
How Can Virtual Schools Be a Vibrant Part of Meeting the Choice Provisions of the No Child Left Behind Act?
Paper outlines different models for how districts and states could use virtual schools to meet the choice provisions of NCLB.
Demystifying Special Education in Virtual Charter Schools
Report describes how federal and state special education guidelines must be adapted for educating students with disabilities in virtual charter schools.