Report analyzes the progress of restarts that began between 2010 and 2016
Explore Eight Years of Data in Interactive Restart Dashboard, Progress Report
By Paola Gilliam and Sharon Kebschull Barrett When a school struggles to support student learning year after year, schools need dramatic changes, but for too long the choice seemed to be to close the school or attempt an internal turnaround. How has the third option—restarting a school with the same students but with a new […]
Did Indianapolis students do better after struggling schools were restarted? A new study takes a look.
Chalkbeat, November 1, 2019, by Stephanie Wang When Indianapolis Public Schools “restarted” chronically struggling schools, students who stayed under the new management sometimes made smaller gains on tests compared to their classmates who left, a new study finds. Over time, however, students at the restarted schools closed some of the gaps. The study by Public […]
Early Indianapolis Restarts Shed Light About Improvement Strategy
Districts are increasingly joining with external providers—often charter operators—to implement “restarts” as one way to turn around persistently struggling schools. In a restart, a school continues to serve the same community, while its new provider receives operational autonomy in exchange for a contractual commitment to raise student outcomes. Our ongoing research has documented more than […]
The Impact of School Restarts: Lessons from Four Indianapolis Schools
Report considers the impact of four charter school restarts in Indianapolis.
Done Well, School Restarts Make a Difference for Students
This column was first published on May 17, 2016, on, home of the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation. This is part of a blog series about one way we can help our nation’s lowest performing schools. In this series, we will introduce the concept of restart and will highlight: Who’s doing it, how it […]
School Restart Authorization Process Guide
Process guide and related database offer step-by-step guidance for designing or refining the restart process.
Fixing Failing Charters: “Restarts” Offer Student-Focused Option
When a charter school doesn’t uphold its end of the charter bargain—autonomy for accountability—and fails to produce strong student learning, must closing the school be the only option? Scattering its students—especially when they have no other high-quality schools available nearby—may disrupt an already-fragile community unnecessarily, if a better option exists. One promising alternative: Introduce new adults who have the will and skill to help struggling students achieve, and let the students stay.
A new report by Public Impact’s Daniela Doyle and Tim Field, The Role of Charter Restarts in School Reform: Honoring our Commitments to Students and Public Accountability explores a variation on school closure in which a charter school’s operator and board change, while the school continues to serve the same students.
Starting Fresh in Low-Performing Schools: Engaging Parents and the Community in Starting Fresh
Second report in a series on “starting fresh” highlights strategies for bringing key stakeholders to the table.
Starting Fresh in Low-Performing Schools: A New Option for School District Leaders Under NCLB
First report in a series on “starting fresh” describes the options of initiating a charter school or hiring an outside school manager.
Starting Fresh: A New Strategy for Responding to Chronically Low-Performing Schools
Report outlines a new approach states can use to respond to schools that continue to struggle despite interventions and accountability measures.
School Restructuring Options Under No Child Left Behind: What Works When
Process guide and related database offer step-by-step guidance for designing or refining the restart process.