Idea paper lays out a vision for how districts can reach dramatically more students with great principals, for much higher pay, within budget.
Recruit, Select, and Support: Turnaround Leader Competencies
Learning module provides state and district leaders with tools to identify and apply turnaround leader competencies to the selection and development of school turnaround leaders.
Turnaround Leader Actions and Competencies
Turnaround principal actions and competencies are the leading indicators for turnaround principal success.
Lacking Leaders: The Challenges of Principal Recruitment, Selection, and Placement
Report takes an in-depth look at principal hiring practices in five urban districts.
Importing Leaders for School Turnarounds: Lessons and Opportunities
Report explores how organizations in other sectors import leaders to inform efforts by state and local leaders to import talent for failing schools.
School Turnarounds: Actions and Results
Report illustrates how 14 leader actions of successful turnarounds have played out in turnaround schools.
Competencies for Turnaround Success Series
Series helps select turnaround principals and teachers based on the competencies that enable them to be successful in turnarounds.