Center on Great Teachers and Leaders at American Institutes for Research, May 2023 In its May 2023 newsletter, the Center on Great Teachers and Leaders at the American Institutes for Research highlighted Public Impact’s recent brief, How Innovative Staffing Can Address Teacher Shortages, Permanently—and Boost Learning, as a resource for promoting teacher retention. The brief […]
Opinion: Georgia must figure out how to make teaching attractive again
Atlanta Journal-Constitution, November 22, 2022, by Maureen Downey A new report echoes what Georgia educators have long lamented: Teaching has lost its luster. The working paper from the Annenberg Institute for School Reform at Brown University charts the state of the U.S. K-12 teaching profession over the last half century by examining prestige, interest among students, preparation for […]
We can rethink training, recruiting, deploying teachers
Indianapolis Business Journal, August 12, 2022 by Claire Fiddian-Green Indiana, like the rest of the nation, is grappling with a shortage of teachers. Although shortages are more acute today due to the impact of COVID-19 on labor markets, this challenge has existed for decades. Addressing teacher shortages for the long term will require us to rethink […]
It’s Time to Rethink the ‘One Teacher, One Classroom’ Model
Education Week, July 20, 2022, by Irene Chen and Stephanie Banchero The last few years have taken a toll on our teachers. The COVID-19 pandemic, ongoing cultural divisions, and the Uvalde, Texas, massacre all weigh heavily. Morale is at an all-time low. Now is the time to rethink the teaching profession. Perhaps unsurprisingly, some districts […]
Equitable access to effective educators emerges as priority for North Carolina
EdNC, March 16, 2022, by Mebane Rash. “Students in high-poverty schools are about half as likely to have access to highly effective teachers, compared to students in low-poverty schools,” said Johanna Anderson, executive director of The Belk Foundation, at a recent convening of their board of directors and education stakeholders. This is not a new data […]
How To Get Past the “Talent Hogs” Problem
By Emily Ayscue Hassel and Bryan Hassel; first published in Education Next. A charismatic charter network leader reminded us recently of his high-poverty schools’ laudable learning results. His secret sauce? Wooing the best teachers and principals away from surrounding districts. We call this a “Talent Hog” strategy, and its prevalence explains, in part, why reforms […]
Indiana Teacher Pay is Lower than every neighboring state. Here’s how much it would take to fix that.
IndyStar, January 29, 2019, by Arike Herron
$658.1 million. That’s how much the study from two reform-minded education organizations found it would take to raise the average pay for Indiana teachers to compete with neighboring states. The study attempts to quantify the size of the problem in Indiana and make recommendations for how to fix it
The Price Tag for Making Teacher Salary Competitive in Indiana is $658 Million
Chalkbeat, January 29, 2019, by Stephanie Wang
Indiana is so far behind neighboring states in teacher compensation that it would cost an estimated $658 million to make salaries more competitive, according to a new report released Tuesday.
Using Teacher-Leaders To Improve Schools
The Hechinger Report, November 29, 2018, by Tara García-Mathewson
Edgecombe County Public Schools in rural North Carolina has long had trouble filling all of its open teaching positions. Historically, there just hasn’t been enough interest among qualified candidates. But that’s changing.
Painting the ESSA Canvas: Four Ideas for States to Think Big on Educator Quality
Leaders from four organizations describe clear, actionable ideas for states who are ready to think big and use ESSA Title II-A funds strategically.
Interview: Painting the ESSA Canvas with Educator Recruitment and Retention
New America, April 11, 2017, by Melissa Tooley
A recent New America brief, Painting the ESSA Canvas: Four Ideas for States to Think Big on Educator Quality, includes interviews with individuals that offer thoughtful, high-potential approaches to the preparation, recruitment, evaluation, development, and retention of effective educators. The interview below is with Bryan C. Hassel, the co-director of Public Impact, and Stephanie Dean, the vice president of teaching and learning policy at Public Impact.
Recruitment Toolkit
This four-step guide walks districts through the key recruiting steps to encourage great candidates to apply for Opportunity Culture roles.