The January Opportunity Culture newsletter includes opportunities for community, a reflection from educators on continued pandemic challenges, tools and videos for educators, Opportunity Culture news, and more. Featured stories include: “Everybody is Traumatized”: Opportunity Culture Fellows on Keeping On By Sharon Kebschull Barrett, January 25, 2022 With ongoing Covid-related stresses this year, many Opportunity Culture educators […]
Education Lessons from the Pandemic
The Hill, March 13, 2021, by Thomas Toch and Lynn Olson. The pandemic relief package that just cleared Congress includes no less than $126 billion for schools, and there’s talk in education circles of using a portion of the money to reduce class sizes by hiring thousands of teachers to increase social distancing in schools. But scattered teacher shortages in parts […]
Federal Policy for Opportunity Anew
By Public Impact In the wake of Covid-19, the U.S. pre-K–12 education system needs more than a refresh. We need to think anew. In a new Public Impact brief, we recommend the means through federal policy to bring critical, effective instructional and emotional supports to millions of teachers and their students—for a price tag the country can […]
Thought Leadership Forum Brief: Talent Development and Opportunity Culture
Center on School Turnaround, July 2018
This brief summarizes the information presented in the March and April 2018 forums, which addressed Opportunity Culture as a strategy to support talent development. The March presentation was by Bryan Hassel, Co-President of Public Impact. The April forum featured Denise Watts, who leads Project LIFT, a philanthropic initiative that is implementing an Opportunity Culture program in North Carolina’s Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools.
Teachers Shouldn’t Have to Work Alone – and Now They Don’t Have to
Forbes, May 29, 2018, by Michael Horn
With the rise of online learning in schools—what educators call “blended learning”—what teachers do daily is changing in big and small ways. A central question is what will teaching look like in the future, as online learning can increasingly help students learn knowledge personalized to their specific learning need.
How Team Teaching (and Other Innovations) Can Impact Blended Learning
eSchool News, May 25, 2018, by Thomas Arnett
Personalized learning’s rationale has strong intuitive appeal: We can all remember feeling bored, confused, frustrated, or lost in school when our classes didn’t spark our interests or address our learning needs. But an intuitive rationale doesn’t clearly translate to effective practice.
The One-Teacher, One-Classroom Model Needs an Upgrade. Here’s What’s Next.
EdSurge, May 24, 2018, by Stephen Noonoo
Emerging school models are supposed to ease the transition to personalized and blended instruction—or at least make it possible. But new ways of teaching can hit a snag when they run up against the familiar one-teacher-one-classroom setup. According to the authors of a new report, it’s not schools that need a “rethink” as much as school staffing.
Analysis: New Study Finds Huge Student Learning Gains in Schools Where Teachers Mentor Their Colleagues as Multi-Classroom Leaders
By Emily Ayscue Hassel and Bryan Hassel; first published on The 74. In survey after survey, teachers report dissatisfaction with the professional development they receive. Many aren’t satisfied with their professional learning communities or coaching opportunities. Teachers say they want more on-the-job development, career advancement while teaching, and collaboration time. Some teachers are getting what they want. But is that good news for students? […]
When Good Teachers Oversee Multiple Classrooms, Does Learning Improve?
EdWeek, January 12, 2018, by Madeline Will
When highly effective teachers are given a hybrid role to lead other teachers, the students on their team perform better in math and, to a lesser extent, reading, according to a new study.