Turnaround principal actions and competencies are the leading indicators for turnaround principal success.
Turnaround Principal Competencies A process for hiring the most skillful leaders for changing the fortunes of the most-troubled schools
By Lucy Steiner and Sharon Kebschull Barrett; first published in School Administrator magazine. When the Minneapolis Public Schools first set out to hire turnaround school principals, administrators followed their usual process — which focused largely on reputation and anecdotal support and considered mainly internal candidates. Yet success at the complicated task of turning around the […]
Using Competencies to Improve School Turnaround Principal Success
Report describes how using competencies that predict performance can improve turnaround principal selection, evaluation, and development.
Using Competency Based Evaluation to Drive Teacher Excellence: Lessons from Singapore
Report explores Singapore’s successful teacher evaluation and development system.
Competencies for Turnaround Success Series
Series helps select turnaround principals and teachers based on the competencies that enable them to be successful in turnarounds.